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pen [title under embargo]  (2024*) — a play

What happened when Romeo and Juliet went to the theatre is beyond tragic…
even by their standard.


Von Trapp Heresy teaser The Von Trapp Heresy (2007…) — a cabaret/musical

What is it you can't face?

My dramaturg and muse Emma the cat demonstrates some aspects of the writing process…

7 pictures of Emma the cat, a simply adorable black and write cat, playing with a pencil, eating a draft page, biting a keyboard, head bereft in paws, holding a magic wand, sitting with zoom headphones, and finally relaxing with a cup of tea

And for completeness, here's a little list of no-so-recent plays written on the way here…

bullet Schrödinger's Hotel (2010-2016)

Contains irony and references to Noël Coward, William Shakespeare,
the dual nature of light, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics,
Schrödinger's cat… and the poetic basis of mind.

bullet Centre Caught (2002)

Act One was presented as a workshop production at NIDA (Aug 2004) directed by Andrew Davidson
Short listed for the 2004 Rodney Seaborn Playwright's Award
Short listed for Play Lab at the 12th Annual Edward Albee Last Frontier Theatre Conference (2004)
Act One was short-listed for the 2003 Glen Eira Council’s literary award for a short play
Profiled in the Australian Script Centre’s Collection Number 6 (2006)    


Rex (2002)

Optioned for adaptation into a feature film, April 2004
Nominated for the Monte Miller award, 2002 Australian Writer’s Guild Awards
Profiled in the Australian Script Centre’s Collection Number 4 (2003)


Post (1995-2001)

Short listed for the 1998 Australian National Playwrights’ Conference



This page was last updated on 11 November, 2023.

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